GYNECOLOGY-2023,Women's Health, GYNECOLOGY-2023, London, UK, confernce

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Renowned Speakers

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Johannes Van Waart

Director and Owner at Wijnland Fertility Unit Stellenbosch University South Africa

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

César Eduardo Fernandes

Professor Clincef - Clínica Brazil

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Sarah Johnson

Head of regulatory and clinical affairs at SPD Development Company Ltd. SPD Development Company ltd., Clearblue Innovation Centre, Bedford USA

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Hugh Taylor

Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yale-New Haven Hospital USA

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Ms Katherine Suter

Department of Surgery, Western Health, Melbourne, Australi UK

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Awatif Juma Al Bahar

President, OBS/GYN. Scientific Board UAE

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Daniel U Reimer

Medical University Innsbruck Austria

GYNECOLOGY-2023, Women's Health,  Women's Health events, upcoming,Women's Health Confernces 2023, Women's Health, Women's Health education,Women's Health workshops , seminars ,exhibitions ,meetings, Women's Health meditation

Gwyn Richardson

University of Texas USA


About Conference

Gynecology Conferences invites you to join the “42nd International Conference on Women's Health” which will be held from August 24-25, 2023 London, UK which includes Prompt Keynote presentations, Oral, Poster Presentations and Exhibitions. The conference program focuses on theme “Enriching Women’s Health through Innovations in Gynecology”.

Gynecology-2023 offers a cutting edge program of Renowned International Speakers, attracting over 300+ experts in fertility, Assisted conception, Sexual health and Reproductive biology. This conference intends to gather all the people across the globe like Students, Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Professors, Directors, Chairman, Chancellor, Scientists, Doctors, Managing Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Presidents and Noble Laureates and base a platform for them to share their experience, knowledge and research work, recent advancements in the field of Women’s Health. In addition to cutting-edge presentations and debates, this year agenda provides you with an opportunity to participate in or organize a Workshop.

Why to attend?

Gynecology 2023 focuses on innovative therapies which comprise motivating logical introductions and keynote speakers who will provide an international platform for discussion of present and future challenges in women health. Our conference fetches National and International eminent personalities to a single level for world-class speeches and debates by leading gynecologists. Our conference contains of symposium, workshops, lectures, YRF (Young Research Forum), poster presentation, paper presentations and various other programs for the participant over the globe. Students can join to display their research globally & enhance their knowledge & skills in the field of Gynecology

Target Audience:

  • Obstetrics and Gynecologists
  • Clinicians
  • Executives
  • Researchers
  • Information and communication technology vendors and consultants
  • Women & Healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs
  • International delegates
  • Gynecological Pathologists
  • Gynecological Oncologists
  • Directors of Maternity Hospitals
  • Endocrinologists
  • Infertility specialists
  • Heads of the Obstetrics & Gynecology Departments 
  • Nursing scholars
  • Students of Medicine Disciplines
  • Upcoming Researchers
  • Pharmacists
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Family Medicine Physicians and General practitioners
  • Clinical Toxicologists
  • Societies of Andrology and Gynecology

Scientific Sessions

Track 1: Breast & Ovarian Cancer

The occurrence of both bone and ovarian cancer in a woman is associated with a high liability of a indigenous BRCA1 mutation. These women and their families might thus be considered for mutation webbing after applicable inheritable comforting. Ovarian cancer grows snappily and can progress from early stages to advance within a time. With the most common form, nasty epithelial melanoma, the cancer cells can grow out of control snappily and spread in weeks or months.

Track 2: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics is the medical and surgical specialty that focuses on the exploration prospectus of reproductive system in ladies that includes Libraries of gynecology and obstetrics, HELLP Pattern in gestation, Gallbladder complaint in post and pre-pregnancy, Cosmetology in vagina, Vaginal Surgery, Drug Treatment. While OB/ GYN is considered one specialty, it comprises two distinct fields. Obstetrics (the OB) involves care during pre-conception, gestation, parturition, and incontinently after delivery. Gynecology (the GYN) involves care of all women's health issues.

Track 3: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Women with PCOS are more likely to develop certain serious health problems. These include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and uterine cancer. Women with PCOS frequently have problems with their capability to get pregnant (fertility). The exact cause of polycystic ovary pattern (PCOS) is unknown, but it's allowed to be related to abnormal hormone situations. Irregular ages or no ages at all. difficulty getting pregnant as a result of irregular ovulation or no ovulation. Inordinate hair growth (hirsutism) – generally on the face, casket, back or buttocks. Weight gain.

Track 4: Adolescent and Puberty Health

Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and puberty changes. An adolescent may grow several elevations in several months followed by a period of veritably slow growth, also have another growth spurt. Changes with puberty (sexual development) may be gradationally or several signs may come visible at the same time. Puberty results in veritably rapid-fire physical growth, brain development, sexual development, and attainment of reproductive capacity. It's accompanied by the final development of multiple organ systems and major changes in the central nervous system and in psychosocial geste

Track 5: Women Oncology

Gynecologic oncologists offer an intertwined approach to the opinion and surgical operation of cancerous and noncancerous( benign) conditions of the womanish reproductive system. These include cervical cancer, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cancer, pelvic millions, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer. Oncology is the study of cancer. An oncologist is a croaker who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer. An oncologist may also be called a cancer specialist. The field of oncology has 3 major areas grounded on treatments medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology.

Track 6: Aging and Bone Loss in Women

Osteoporosis is also common in the wrist and the chine. The hormone estrogen helps to make and rebuild bones. A woman's estrogen situations drop after menopause, and bone loss pets up. That is why osteoporosis is most common among aged women. Bones come more brittle and may break more fluently. Overall height diminishments, substantially because the box and chine dock. Breakdown of the joints may lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness, and disfigurement. Common changes affect nearly each aged people.

Track 7: Breast Disease

The most common bone conditions are painful guts, mastitis (inflammation of the bone), excrescencies, benign lumps and cancer. It's important for women to be apprehensive of how their guts look and feel, and to see a croaker if they notice any changes. Scar towel from a bone injury. Hormone oscillations, especially during period, gestation or menopause. Drug use, similar as hormonal contraceptives (birth control capsules) and hormone relief remedy. Caffeinated potables.

Track 8: Heart Disease in Women

Coronary roadway complaint the most common type of heart complaint in the United States, and a leading cause of heart attacks, it occurs when highways come congested with shrine and the heart cannot get enough blood. High blood pressure, high LDL (low- viscosity lipoprotein) cholesterol, and smoking are crucial threat factors for heart complaint. About half of all people in the United States ( 47) have at least one of these three threat factors. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. Briefness of breath with or without casket discomfort. Other signs similar as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or flightiness. As with men, women's most common heart attack symptom is casket pain or discomfort.

Track 9: Women’s Health

Women's health refers to the branch of drug that focuses on the treatment and opinion of conditions and conditions that affect a woman's physical and emotional well- being. Women have a unique set of health care challenges and are at advanced threat of developing certain conditions and conditions than men. The leading causes of death for women include heart complaint, cancer, and diabetes, all of which could potentially be treated or averted if linked beforehand enough.

Track 10:  Influence of Drugs and General Awareness in Pregnancy

Illicit drug use during gestation may beget confinement, preterm labor, birth blights, birth, pullout symptoms in the baby after birth, a advanced threat of unforeseen child death pattern (SIDS), poor fetal growth rate, and cognitive and behavioral problems. Exploration shows that use of tobacco, alcohol, or lawless medicines or abuse of tradition medicines by pregnant women can have severe health consequences for babies. This is because numerous substances pass fluently through the placenta, so substances that a pregnant woman takes also reach the fetus.

Track 11: Sterility

Failing to produce or unable of producing seed. a sterile mongrel. Unable of growing. Sterile spores. Gravidity is a condition where you cannot get pregnant after one time of trying to conceive. In women, cause of gravidity can include endometriosis, uterine fibroids and thyroid complaint. Men with fertility problems may have a low sperm count or low testosterone. The threat of gravidity increases as youage. Sterile can also mean “unable of producing seed. ” This can be applied to humans, creatures, and shops, and to land or soil unable of producing foliage. A canine that has been fixed, for illustration, is sterile. Directly, it also means unproductive in terms of results or ideas.

Track 12: Women’s Health and Fitness

Regular physical Exertion can help you to reduce the threat of coronary heart complaint. Being active also can help women maintain or lose weight. It also helps to control blood pressure, lessens a diabetic's need for insulin and boosts the position of “ good ” HDL- cholesterol. Women represent the foundation of a family's overall health, icing they've access to quality care also can lead to bettered health for children and families. The health of families and communities are no doubt, tied to the health of women.

Track 13:  Menopausal Syndromes

Menopausal Pattern includes symptoms associated with the physiological changes that take place in a woman's body as a period of fertility ends. Menopause is a normal consequence of the aging process and is a natural womanish hormone-deficient state that occurs at the age of 45- 55 times. In post menopause, symptoms of menopause may have eased or stopped entirely, but some women continue to have symptoms for longer. The change in your body's hormones still is a sign to keep looking after your health and well- being and be aware to harkening to your body.

Track 14: Reproductive Toxicity

Reproductive toxin results when a chemical has an adverse impact on the normal function and development of manly or womanish reproductive apkins or reproductive geste performing in reduced fertility. still, utmost studies of reproductive toxin have concentrated on occupational or environmental exposure to chemicals and their goods on reduplication. Both consumptions of alcohol and tobacco smoking are known to be" poisonous for reduplication" in the sense used then. A reproductive toxic or reprotoxicant will vitiate the capability to get children or beget unrecoverable detriment to the seed itself. Differences include deliveries, damage to future children's development, revision of breastfeeding capability, or negative inherited experimental goods.

Track 15: Pregnancy & Childbirth

The condition between generality( fertilization of an egg by a sperm) and birth, during which the fertilized egg develops in the uterus. In humans, gestation lasts about 288 days. parturition, also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of gestation where one or further babies exits the internal terrain of the mama via vaginal delivery or caesarean section. In 2019, there were about140.11 million births encyclopedically.

Market Analysis

Gynecology-2023 offers a cutting edge program of Renowned International Speakers, attracting over 300+ experts in fertility, Assisted conception, Sexual health and Reproductive biology. This conference intends to gather all the people across the globe like Students, Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Professors, Directors, Chairman, Chancellor, Scientists, Doctors, Managing Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Presidents and Noble Laureates and base a platform for them to share their experience, knowledge and research work, recent advancements in the field of Women’s Health. In addition to cutting-edge presentations and debates, this year agenda provides you with an opportunity to participate in or organize a Workshop.

Gynecological Devices Market Report Key Highlights

  • Global gynecological devices market revenue is estimated to expand by USD 18,649 million by 2030, with a 7.9% CAGR from 2022 to 2030.
  • North America gynecological devices market share accounted for over 38% of total market shares in 2021
  • Asia-Pacific gynecological devices market growth will observe highest CAGR from 2022 to 2030
  • Based on device, surgical devices segment accounted for over 45% of the overall market share in 2021
  • Among end-user, hospital segment engaged more than 36% of the total market share
  • Rising prevalence of gynecological disorders, drives the gynecological devices market size

Gynecological devices include instruments and devices used for the treatment of diseases related to the female reproductive system. These devices include surgical devices, handheld instruments, diagnostic imaging systems, and software associated with the devices. Surgical gynecological devices include endoscopy devices, laparoscopes, colposcopes, Hysteroscopes, Hysteroscopic insufflators, and laparoscopic insufflators among others. These devices are usually manufactured using stainless steel for improved efficiency and reduced chances of infection. Gynecological devices are used in hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, and research institutes for surgical and examination applications.


Global Gynecological Devices Market Trends

Market Drivers

  • Rising prevalence of gynecological disorders
  • Increasing efforts to promote regular checkups
  • Introduction of a technologically innovative product
  • Increasing public awareness of the product

Market Restraints

  • Increased adoption of alternative therapies
  • Stringent regulatory guidelines

Market Opportunities

  • Rise in surgical procedures globally
  • Technological advancements in gynecological devices

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 24-25, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Journal of Family Medicine & Medical Science Research Journal of Surgery

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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